Two thousand and ten. It wasn’t twenty-ten. It was two thousand and ten. It takes longer to say- but to me, two thousand and ten just sounded right. I had intentions of accomplishing all of these goals this year, but alas, time passes, life happens and even our greatest intentions don’t come to fruition. 2010 was a year of a lot of transition and change for me- and to be honest, it was a really tough year. I did some really cool things- like hiking to the top of Half Dome and obtaining what I thought was my dream job, but I also walked through a number of trials I never expected, didn’t learn lessons as quick as I sometimes wished, and spent much of the year trying to figure out who I am and what my place is in this world and in God’s Kingdom is (and what God’s Kingdom even looks like, for that matter).
Here’s how I did:
///Study two world religions apart from Christianity and visit at least one other religious service.
It’s something I’ve always wanted to be more educated on, but just haven’t taken the time to study or’s the time.
:::Half check. I attempted to learn about Judaism and Islam. I read a few books and watched a few documentaries, but there’s a lot more I want to learn.
///Run a 1/2 Marathon.
Even if I don’t run the San Francisco 1/2 that I’m planning in July, I want to be able to run 13.1 miles by the end of this year. Eeeeek...this one will take lots of work!
:::SUCCESS. Nope, didn’t run 13 miles in June. It took almost the entire year to motivate myself to do it, but on November 14, I finished the Big Sur Half Marathon. Accomplishing something has never felt so good.
///Visit Yosemite.
...because I didn’t make it last year.
:::Check. Check. Check. And Check. Because I went FOUR times. Each time was completely different. And each time was incredible. I plan to spend much more time there this year.
///Wrestle through my beliefs on homosexuality.
It’s something I should have done years ago, but has been staring me in the face more and more now that I live in the bay area.
:::Fail. Kinda. I tried. Really hard. For a couple months. Then I gave up....because this is a HARD topic. This is one of the most controversial topics in the church, especially in California. This is a topic that garners more emotion and passion than almost any other topic and I’m still on the journey of figuring out what the Bible says and what that looks like in God’s Kingdom and in today’s world.
///Read the Bible in two years.
My church challenged us to read the entire Bible, not quickly, but transformationally, so we’re reading the entire Bible with a 2-year plan. I’m excited about reading the Bible with more purpose.
:::I have some catching up to do as I start this year- but I’m continuing this resolution into 2011.
///Be involved in a small group.
Why this one is so hard for me I don’t know. I love people. I love hanging out with purpose, but I can always find some excuse as to why I don’t fit in this small group or that small group. This should probably change.
///Finish the book “Surprised by Hope” by NT Wright that’s been sitting on my bookshelf half read for almost a year.
:::Fail. Still not finished. But it’s still on my bookshelf.
///Buy Fair Trade coffee every once in awhile.
I drink a lot of coffee, but since I’m not planning to curb my consumption, I should at least be contributing to the greater good of the world when I drink it.
:::eh, I think I failed on this one, too. :( I think I forgot this one was a resolution. Lesson learned: go back over your resolutions at least once a month.
///Start a blog.
I’ve already filled up at least 20 entries on iWeb that no one has ever seen. Why not publish them? Even if I’m the only person in the world who knows where its at. :)
:::Check. Read next year’s resolutions to see how I’m going to attempt to further this goal into the next year.
I don’t my New Year’s Resolutions to be the only indication of my growth or accomplishments over a year- because they are the tiniest glimpse of 365 days in a life. But I love reflecting on the year in this way.
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